We impact our community through education, translation, interpreting, and sharing stories.

Interpretation and Translation
Does your business or organization have a desire to be more inclusive of our diverse community? Whether the need is hosting an event or creating materials that are more accessible; we want to help you. Consultation on a project is free!
Languages Available
Spanish, Vietnamese, Karen, Cantonese, Somali, Burmese, Mandarin, Arabic, English, Italian, Portuguese, French, Lingala, Russian, Nepalese, and German

Community Language Courses
These classes are offered at no cost to the public. You along with other members of our great city, will have the opportunity to meet and practice with native speakers from the Omaha community! Donations are optional but appreciated. It is with your support that we are able to continually provide courses that are fun, challenging, and personal.
Are you passionate about learning another language but your schedule just isn’t lining up with ours? Or do you work better with one on one instruction? Let us know. Our tutoring is offered at an affordable cost. We’d love to get you in touch with one of our instructors who will help you start your language journey.

Our Additional Services
Advocacy Services
Business Language Services
Workshops, Business and School Programs
Sign Up For Our Newsletter!

We remove language barriers so that every member of our community has access to vital information, resources, engagement opportunities, and a voice in how their community is shaped.
Mailing Address:
World Speaks
7914 W Dodge Rd #475
Omaha, NE 68114