Be a part of the World Speaks team and help elevate the voices of those who need it most.

World Speaks is looking for bilingual or multilingual individuals to provide translation services to the community.
Individuals must be highly proficient in both English and another language and have excellent writing and grammar skills.
A translation certification or experience translating in formal settings is required for this position.
World Speaks is looking for individuals to instruct/tutor different language courses in the community.
Individuals must be highly proficient in the language of instruction and have excellent teaching abilities.
A teaching degree, certificate or experience teaching/tutoring is required for this position.
In-Class Mentor Volunteer / Native Speakers
World Speaks is looking for bilingual or multilingual individuals who love interacting and working with the community and sharing about their cultural background.
Communications Media Volunteer
World Speaks is looking for an individual who through constant contact will send/create content for our quarterly newsletter, reminders for our giving days, and class announcements. The communications volunteer will also work with our Marketing Director by researching and organizing content for social media posts. There are occasionally events, if the individual is available to attend, where they will talk about World Speaks and its programming.
Sign Up For Our Newsletter!

We remove language barriers so that every member of our community has access to vital information, resources, engagement opportunities, and a voice in how their community is shaped.
Mailing Address:
World Speaks
7914 W Dodge Rd #475
Omaha, NE 68114
World Speaks is looking for bilingual or multilingual individuals to provide interpreter services (consecutive and simultaneous) to the community.
Individuals must be highly proficient in both English and another language and experienced in facilitating communication between two or more parties.
A training certificate, certification, or experience is required for this position.